Key Emotion: Difficulty making decisions when multiple choices are proposing.For the undecided, who suffer their hesitations, and hand all day. Also for the confusion of mind. Individuals Scleranthe (Awl) are generally secretive about their dilemmas and are reluctant to discuss their problems with others.The scléranthe (also called awl) to find stability to be listening to his inner self, and adapt its emotional extremes and intellectuals to a rich and balanced action.Source: Small Wellness Guide. Floral essences. NO SHAWBach Flowers are a registered trademark.Our flower essences are made according to the method of Dr. Bach.
Choose one or several flower essences according to your emotional state:
3-4 drops in a glass of water or directly under the language, this 4 times per day, before meals and at night before bed.
Alternatively, 9 drops in a small bottle of water and drink throughout the day.
Duration: punctually, on several weeks or several months for a thorough treatment. In case of crisis, increase the doses until every quarter of an hour.